Sunday 10 February 2008


Listening to all the hot air emanating from the PM, ministers and other assorted government politicians during this pre-election time, and after reading about the verbal diarrhoea, hollow promises and patronizing remarks, I thought that the light hearted fantasy poem, ‘If Pigs Could Fly’, by James Reeves, would be an really appropriate Sunday interlude.

If Pigs Could Fly

If pigs could fly, I'd fly a pig to foreign countries small and big,
to Italy and Spain,
to Austria where cow bells ring,
to Germany where people sing and then come home again

I'd see the Ganges and the Nile,
I'd visit Madagascar's isle
and Persia and Peru.
People would say they'd never seen
so odd, so strange an air machine
as that on which I flew

Yes everyone would raise a shout
to see his trotters and his snout come floating from the sky.
And I would be a famous star in all the countries near and far.
If only pigs could fly

--James Reeves


No pigs were flown or otherwise harmed during the writing of this blog or during the photo shoot.

Flying pigs may be dangerous to both the pig and the rider ( if any).

Flying pigs over populated areas should do avoided so as to obviated any risk of porcine rainfall and brown-outs.

Txin txin!

1 comment:

Maverick SM said...

That's true! I hope the pig would not be flying as they may shit on our heads and crash the planes.