Tuesday 15 July 2008

Warrant of Arrest issued for Anwar Ibrahim

AP Reports:-

"A lawyer says police have issued an arrest warrant for Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim in connection with a sodomy accusation by a former male aide.

Counsel Sankara Nair says the police faxed him a letter Tuesday (15 July) asking Anwar to appear at the police station for questioning before 2pm (0600 GMT) the following day.

He said the letter told him an arrest warrant had been issued for his client, Anwar................................................"

So, what will transpire now, will the police wait and arrest Anwar tomorrow if he fails to report at 2pm, or will he be arrested today, before he is due to debate with the Information Minister at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur at 9pm?

In this land of lies, half truths, and misrepresentations anything could happen.

The people of Malaysia are carefully watching and waiting.

The weekend roadblocks throughout much of Malaysia, culminating in yesterday's virtual lock down of Kulala Lumpur by extensive police roadblocks, has angered the people, let us see what the pathetic paranoid federal government does next!

Lux et veritas

- Light and Truth


Anonymous said...

Dear Mindfull Mariner:

I see these past few days' events as part of a Bolehland script -- all to achieve one objective -- to stop DSAI in his tracks to lad PR in taking over the present Gomen under siege. Police State tactics are used so blatantly led by a minister who could NOT even persuade kindue kids with his bluffology. I more than weep for NegaraKu with such wolves minding the pen of sheep:( -- Desi

mindful mariner said...

Thanks Anon
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A police state is apparent
This is really abhorrent

The only future is freedom and democracy
Not dictatorial tyrannical hypocracy