Tuesday 29 April 2008

Food prices are out of control


Sierra Leone's foreign minister and human rights campaigner Zainab Bangura.

Having signed up to a petition urging world leaders to tackle the food crisis which is now gripping the world, I want to pass this on, since this is very very a important issue, you might like to sign the petition too, please click: HERE

Have you noticed that all types of food cost more each time you shop?

Here’s why, we are plunging headlong into a world food crisis.

Rocketing prices are squeezing to death billions of people and have the potential to trigger food riots around the world.

For example, in Sierra Leone, and elsewhere in the world, the price of a bag of rice has doubled, so rice now unaffordable for 90% of her citizens.

Fears of inflation stalk the whole world, and the worst could be yet to come.

Act now -- before it's too late.

AVAAZ has launched an urgent campaign together with Sierra Leone's foreign minister and human rights campaigner Zainab Bangura.

Please add your name to the food crisis petition -- AVAAZ wants to raise 200,000 signatures by the end of this week to deliver a massive global outcry to leaders at the UN, G8 and EU:

Ex nihilo nihil fit

-From nothing, nothing can be made

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