Knee-jerk reaction package has been proposed, yesterday, Tuesday 25 March 2008. which is supposed to ease the ever increasing burden faced by low-income poverty stricken Malaysians.
According to media reports Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, now in his second term as Prime Minister, has unveiled a reactive package of measures supposedly formulated to alleviate the intolerable burden of rapidly spiralling costs of basic essentials faced by low as well as middle income Malaysians.
Firstly the government aims to mitigate the impact of rising world prices for lower income households and limit the wastage and losses caused by subsidies.
Secondly, the government would review the implementation of its economic plans to ensure that its benefits would touch the lives of those who needed them the most.
Thirdly, the government would continue its work towards reducing wide income gaps between and within ethnic groups while ensuring fairness for all Malaysians.
Other priority areas for his second term as PM were said to be to drastically reduce crime, step up the battle against corruption, support reforms of the judiciary and ensure a fair number of places of worship for Malaysians of all religions.
Is this more hot air, lies, and play-acting which the public have become so accustomed to hearing and seeing during Abdullah’s first term as PM?
Even if he is being sincere and honest, it a really a case of TOO LITTLE TOO LATE!
In another news report Adbullah admitted he had not moved fast enough in pushing through reforms which he had promised to undertake, and said the result of the general election was a strong message to him, that he had not done so.
Wow at last he seems to realise he was given a hard slap by the voters for lying and being incompetent!
"I thank the Malaysian people for this message. Point well made and point taken," he said .
"During the last elections, we lost the cyber-war. The young people were looking at SMSs, Internet and other tools to get information."
"We did not think that it was important to respond to them. It was a serious misjudgement. It was a very serious mistake on our part."
"It is my intention to respond to the young people and their enthusiasm. We have no other choice but to respond to the message as swiftly as we can.”
It is not only the young people who deserted him and BN, does he realise this fact? Perhaps not!
He said he now intended to implement a bold agenda for addressing the concerns of the people as expressed through the ballot box.
Abdullah said the Government was ready to change and address the people's concerns and grievances.
He said that the Government would work with honesty, integrity and zero tolerance of corruption.
"I believe we have the means to do well. We are working very hard. We are ready to rectify our mistakes. It is important for us to do it," he added.
Well, well, well, a very late, but nevertheless welcome admission of non-performance, tardiness and incompetence, that is somewhat refreshing, but will henceforth see any positive changes, or will we only experience the status quo or just more and more‘talk’?
Decisive, bold, sincere and effective action will be needed, and it must be implemented across the board relentlessly without fear or favour.
Then and only then all Malaysians may see some positive benefits from it.
It is once again TOO LITTLE TOO LATE!
Ab actu ad posse valet illatio- From what has happened before we may infer what will happen in future
Firstly lets ask did he write that speech? If he didn't, then let's ask who wrote it and for what purpose? This speech is an announcement of intentions. I suspect it may not even be his own, rather its one that's carefully stage-managed. Mitigate rising prices for lower income households? How? Review the implementation of economic plans to ensure that its benefits would touch the lives of those who needed them the most. How? High sounding words that I think will end up as another all talk no action speeches. No, I'm done listening to all his fluff speeches.
Bagi can lah, sedap ini CONfession, brudder MM!
Mari JOM ke bum2008, bawa Mr Nice Guy, mungki di bagi APs untuk Lucky Draw!:) -- Desi
Dear MM:
Another typical scene of Bolting the stable's gate after the horse/s has/have bolted.Indeed, TOO little, TOO late! I agree 110%. 100% formyself, 10% for his SIL!
To mitigate the impact of rising world prices for lower income households and limit the wastage and losses caused by subsidies.
What is this nonsense? What does mitigate the impact of rising world prices for lower income households means? What does limit the wastage and losses caused by subsidies mean?
Yes, sounds well and good, but what does it mean? How does one mitigate andlimit?
Just the combination of the words themselves show a lack of direction, given all the excuses that they have made prior and after the elections.
Completely agree with you, Mindful Mariner. This is just a load of bull! It sickens me to see that old man actually coming out with this drivel!
Thanks for the visit and your comments are much appreciated.
20 cent, thanks for your comments, couldn't agree more, lots of words, but they are meaningless nonsense.
A prime example of diversionary verbal diarrhoea!
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