According to reports in the Malaysian, government owned Main Stream Media (MSM) the police have implemented most of the 125 recommendations contained in the 2005 report by the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Royal Malaysian Police.
DIGP Ismail Omar steps have been taken to forge closer ties with the public through community policing and frequent meetings with residents.
"Both the state and district police chiefs have held regular meetings with residents' associations to hear their grouses and the problems they face," he reportedly said yesterday.
"These are part of measures to rebuild the public's confidence in the police force, besides encouraging them to cooperate with us and provide vital tip-offs."
What a laugh, anyway, believe it or not, be that as it may!
The MSM didn't report this:- (update: see below)
The police last night cordoned off a opposition political party's [DAP] fund-raising dinner held for some 3,000 people in Klang and confiscated the public address system, however later they allowed the dinner to continue at 8.15pm
Police with M16s were guarding area, Lim Kit Siang likened it to a war zone
There were 900 cops wasting their time there according to the belated report in the Star, see below.
Do the police have nothing better to do? Malaysia is very far from being crime free!!
In addition yet another recent case of apparent police brutality does not seem to have been reported in the Malaysia MSM, apart from a report HERE, either.
The police in Malaysia seem to have yet again behaved like gangsters and thugs, see video below, when a 20 year old student was allegedly beaten black and blue by the cops whist handcuffed in a police station.
Little did 20-year-old college student Koh Chon Weng suspect that a night out at a club with friends would pave the way for a horrendous experience which he will never ever be able to forget.
Koh Chon Weng, still bore the scars of his ordeal when interviewed on video, he claimed that he was arrested and beaten up by policemen for no apparent reason.
"I was handcuffed, punched and kicked for several minutes. And when I spat the blood which oozed out from my mouth on the floor, I was beaten again for this," recalled the soft-spoken accounting student during a press conference at the DAP office in Petaling Jaya.
Full story click HERE:
and watch the malaysiakini video below
Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem
As long as we are among humans, let us be humane.
Banned T Shirts
Meanwhile, dangerous T Shirts have been confiscated by the police in Malaysia.
The Ministry of Home Affairs apparently deemed the images [see below] to be obscene, subversive and likely to glorify communism.
You judge for yourself,
I think the slogans on the T shirts are quite amusing, and generally harmless.
I see this T shirt, which is quite appropriate in this context,
is not included in the banned T shirt list.
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