The Chinese believe that the first king of China was the Yellow King (however he was not the first Emperor of China).
The Yellow King became king in 2697 B.C. therefore China will enter the 4707th year on 14th February 2010.
The Chinese Year uses the cycle of 60 Stem-Branch counting system, and the Metal Tiger is the 27th Stem-Branch in the cycle. Since, (60 x 78) + 27 = 4707, therefore 2010 is the Metal Tiger year, which is the 4707th Chinese Year.
Jiǎzǐ (甲子) sequence 27 | Stem/ branch 7/3 | Gānzhī (干支) Gēngyín (庚寅) | Year of the Metal Tiger | Continuous
| Gregorian 2010 | |
| New Year's Day (Chūnjié, 春節) 14th February | |
Some folks may insist that the year 2010 is the 4708th Chinese year.
This is a possible explanation as to why this is:
The Yellow King's inauguration was held in the spring of 2697 B.C.
The day which was used as the first day of the year was the Winter Solstice, which was around 23rd December 2698 B.C. Today's New Year’s Day on 1st January was unknown at the time of the Yellow King.
If we were to count those extra eight days in 2698 B.C., then year 2010 is the 4708th Chinese year.
2010 is the year of Tiger.
Some people say 2010 is a Golden Tiger, White Tiger or Metal Tiger year.
May the year ahead be healthy, joyful, harmonious, peaceful, prosperous, unequivocally wholesome and kind.
Gong Xi Fa Chai
Emitte lucem et veritatemSend out light and truth
Bona fortuna
Good luck!
Liberae sunt nostrae cogitationes
Our thoughts are free
Happy CNY to you too =)
Thanks for your CNY greetings, I really appreciate them.
The motto for The Year of the Tiger could be "KICK ARSE pro re nata".
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