Saturday, 27 February 2010

Anwar Ibrahim’s ongoing “Show Trial”

Anwar Ibrahim & his wife Wan Azizah

Read an opinion in an article published in a Canadian newspaper, The Globe and Mail, by clicking HERE


The presence of so many foreign embassies attending Mr. Anwar's show trial is a clear expression of international concern. This is an issue on which the world must speak out.”

You can read what was said in an article published in the Los Angeles Times by clicking HERE


"Legal records suggest that sodomy charges under Section 377 have been leveled only seven times in Malaysia in 70 years, according to, an independent Malaysian news website, with four of those charges being against Anwar."

To read a BBC news article on this issue, please click HERE

Extract: "Umno is too rotten to be saved"

Commune periculum concordiam parit

Common dangers bring forth harmony

Diligite justitiam, o judices terrae

Cherish justice, o judges of the earth

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